Card Trader Illuminerdy

65 1977s, Pink Yoda, Rising Odds



Michael's prediction came true: after a blistering schedule of seven sets released, Topps released absolutely no new sets. That's not to say there's nothing to talk about...there were two new kinds of chases that came in both gold and pink. One was more noteworthy than the other. Possibly the biggest kerfluffle in the community was the inadvertently exciting conclusion of what had otherwise been one of the most stable reliable sets in the game. And unfortunately the excitement was not due to the surprise of the 11 award cards that were announced. Are you part of the '77 family? How do you feel ending up one short of the expected number? Let us know on Twitter, @CT_Illuminerdy, and of course keep tuning in during August for additional pieces of the puzzle that, if you're the fastest to solve when all the pieces are given out, could net you seven marathon cards courtesy of the Black Sun Card Cantina.