Vegan Danielle

225: The Plant Remedy



Chef Bailey Ruskus, also known as "Chef Bai" comes from a long line of butchers, and her grandfather was a chef. Her background greatly influenced her love for creating recipes and sharing food with her family. This passion led her to culinary school, $100,000 in debt and the "skills" to break down whole animals and cook their meat; none of which serves her much purpose today. Since Bai was a young teen, she suffered from horrific female symptoms from heavy bleeding, to cramping, to sharp abdominal pains. Later in life, after many tests and prescriptions, she discovered she had endometriosis. Through her own research and switching to a plant-based diet, Chef Bai was able to cure herself and live a normal life, free of endometriosis symptoms! References: Donna Jean:  Website:  Instagram:  The Plant Remedy Podcast:  By the way, I should've never doubted myself;