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3X14 The Tower – Main Show – Who is Zelena’s Daddy? Who is the Tin Man and Scarecrow? We’re spinning out control!



Podcast episode 212 Shownotes can be found at: Onceuponatimepodcast.com/212 Episode Name: The Tower News: Earthquakes Once Upon a Time in Wonderland is canceled The Once Upon a Time finale episode title is revealed “There’s no place like home” Hobby Survey onceuponatimepodcast.com/hobbysurvey Views from the Deck: Social Media squawks: Facebook: facebook.com/ouatpodcast Amanda from our Facebook page: […] The post 3X14 The Tower – Main Show – Who is Zelena’s Daddy? Who is the Tin Man and Scarecrow? We’re spinning out control! appeared first on Once Upon A Time Fan Blog/Podcast Site.