Personal Branding Podcast

Common Mistakes People Make When Building a Brand



“Branding is more than just a creative name and cute logo…” – Bernard Kelvin Clive Building a brand is about much more than coming up with a brand statement, logo, and colors. And still, too many businesses seem to think that’s all there is to it. This is why so many of them end up getting lost in the sea of other competitors and can’t seem to stick with their audience. But if your goal is to get your brand out there and attract the right people, you have to know how to build a brand strategy and avoid some crucial mistakes. Here are a few of them. Not Starting with a Brand Strategy The biggest issue is not coming in with a strategy. You should always start with your biggest competition and see what they’re doing. This will inspire you as to what you can do and how you can differentiate yourself. You also need to have a clear audience of who you’re catering to. Remember, this is all about your customer and aligning yourself with their experience. If you start from this angle, you’