Personal Branding Podcast

21 Tips for Writers, Authors & Publishers



“Find a balance between the art of writing and the business of publishing“ As an author, the question that has been asked on countless occasions has been ‘How do you find inspiration to write?’ Today, I will share with you some simple truths and challenges faced by writers and authors alike. Listen, there would be days you have the drive and internal motivation to write, the flow will be natural and uninterrupted. And well there will be other days that regardless of what you do, the inspiration and flow will not be there. Yeah, that’s life, don’t let the not-so-good days discourage you. The recent pandemic (Covid-19) took the world by surprise. While it shut down some businesses it also reshaped the minds of others. Before this, many thought to themselves they were too busy to slow down to enjoy the simple pleasures of life or pursue the list on their bucket list were awaken to the realities of life. For the last 12 months, I have seen several people writing and publishing