Two Teachers In Texas

Wichita, A Great Story, Flying is Not Great, A Famous Author, Special Guest - TK Freese, All On TTIT 187



What's in This Podcast? We chat about what's happening in our world, school, church, and entertainment according to Two Teachers in Texas. Todd took a trip to Wichita, Kansas A brief history of Midland, Texas, formally called Midway Flying is not Todd's Favorite Thing to do Todd's Trip to an ISAS School was Spectacular! Way to go WCS! Todd's Talks Basketball and Officiating Grandfathers and Tears James Bryan Smith Renovare Denver Bronco Expert Trenton Freese Downloads 52-Ways-to-Unlock-Your-CreativityDownload Links Join us on our Marriage Podcast, Purposeful Marriage What the Mother Podcast Visit Todds' blog and get his take on everything from education to football to food to politics and this year a year of Bible Blogs.  Check it out. Download the Marriage Guide for free!