Living Podcariously - Men's Perspectives, Sex Talk And More

LP - Episode 63 - Jay's Memorial Day Shenaniganry, Tach Talks Vaginas and Jimmy Klein Guests



Living Podcariously Episode 63 Show Notes Jimmy Klein joins us tonight! Jay Unleashes about Memorial Day, Tach gets sentimental about remembrance of those that have fallen, Andrea brings THE BEST GUY-A-RY ever and we learn about vaginas. Thanks for listening. - The whole cast is back together and guesting with us is Jimmy Klein - Congrats to Jimmy for the new addition to their family - The LP cast talks about all going as a Spaceballs Theme for Halloween - Rosanne reboot, Is it a good idea? - Jay 'Unleashes the Shenaniganry" about Memorial Day being misrepresented - Guy-a-ry from Andrea Joy - Living Podcariously Introduces the Gentleman's Club - Jimmy explains some dreams he has about Tach's Game Time segment - Tach brings a list about vagina advice women have for men - Adam pitches a new segment idea live on the air about featuring other shows Show Recommendations: Adam oneKaway  Tach Hysteria 51 Podcast  Jay Here's Whats Wrong With