Flite Test: Aviation - Rc Planes - Multirotors

191 Who needs iron man when you have Mr. Steele?



On todays episode We catch up with Mr. Steele and what he has been up to lately with Kwad Share, YOUTUBE and even Skateboarding!    FLITE TEST - https://www.flitetest.com/ FT STORE - https://store.flitetest.com/ FT FB - https://www.facebook.com/flitetest/ Mr steele - https://www.youtube.com/user/MrSteeledavis Kwad Share - http://forum.flitetest.com/forumdisplay.php?196-Kwad-Share     If you have not done so, rate and subscribe to us on Itunes! Also, check out all our other content on our Youtube Channel!   Thanks for listening and we will catch ya guys next time! Deuces!