Universal Windows Podcast

Episode 056 - Universal Windows Podcast



Universal Windows Podcast We are rebranding the podcast Universal Windows Podcast. UniversersalWindowsPodcast.com.     Word of the Week Insider Microsoft MVP Conference Colin attended the Microsoft MVP conference in Redmond last week.   There are about 5,000 MVPs globally and this year about 2,000 attended this conference! https://mvp.microsoft.com/summit Windows Insider Program The Windows Insider MVP Program is new this year and both Colin and I hope to become members.  For lots of great information on this program visit their LinkedIn group, and of course list to this podcast.   https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8310171 If you would like to be Windows Insider MVP follow the instructions here - https://insidersurveys.windows.com/s3/Windows-Insider-MVP-Nomination Windows Creators Update Colin saw a great demo of some of the 3D tools included in this update.  #WINsiders4Good We will be adding a lot of content about the Winsiders4Good program.