Universal Windows Podcast

Episode 081 - Rebuild Reboot ft. Chris Rhodes



Introduction Universal Windows Podcast – Episode 81 – Build Rebooted with Colin and David Smith. Special Guest Chris Rhodes Windows and Devices MVP Five episodes in five weeks. OMG! Word of the Week Enjoy a sip of your favourite beverage each time we say the word "Palindrome" or use a palindrome Guest of the Week Chris Rhodes @ChrisReboot Where do you live? Do you own a wood chipper? What's your family situation - 7 Kids First Computer and Laptop - Sinclair First Phone - Nokia Brick First Job - Analyst at an Insurance Company, then IT Training First Kiss - Burger and Fries Current Computer - Surface Book 1+ Current Phone - Windows Phone (950 XL) and an iPhone 6 Current Job - Likes variety - Azure What is your favorite Sandwich - Looking for a veggie sandwich What are you excited about in Windows 10 - Cloud Integration? News of the Week   Microsoft Layout -VR AR design Tool for HoloLens and VR Headsets On May 22, 2018, Microsoft Layout will be available to download for free for a limited time from th