Universal Windows Podcast

Episode 092 - Just a Rounding Error



Introduction Universal Windows Podcast – Episode 92 You can enjoy us on Spotify and iHeartRadio now – great for streaming! We are starting up our regular cadence – look for podcasts on a weekly basis (we mean it this time) Word of the Week Enjoy a sip of your favourite beverage each time either of us says "David". Feature of the Week OneNote Audio News of the Week  Microsoft's Q1 2019 earnings Windows Phone: Why Microsoft built this E Ink second screen for its Lumia 640 Is the October release of Windows 10 the "Worst Windows 10 version ever"? 1.5 billion Windows devices More than half of Windows devices in the enterprise are now on Windows 10 Microsoft is positioning Always-Connected PCs as the future of business devices Samsung's Galaxy Book2 with Snapdragon 850 IBM Buys RedHat $34 Billion Care of your new Surface Rant and Rave Microsoft should just stop adding features to Windows 10 Outro Call for your help with the podcast, please… Follow and Re-tweet @SurfaceSmiths Lis