
Counter-Inaugural: Laurie Penny with Neelanjana Banerjee



UK journalist Laurie Penny has been covering the 2016 presidential campaign through a feminist lens with dark wit and an eye toward her native country’s alarming Brexit vote last summer. On January 10, 2017, Penny was joined in conversation by Neelanjana Banerjee, managing editor at Kaya Press, to discuss misogyny, sexism and female flesh under capitalism. This event was co-presented with Women’s Center for Creative Work. Suggested reading: “Against Bargaining” Laurie Penny, The Baffler, November 18, 2016 “I’m With the Banned” Laurie Penny, Medium, July 21, 2016 “What Women Problem?” Laurie Penny, Medium, July 18, 2016 Clockshop’s Counter-Inaugural is a series of talks addressing the misogyny, hate speech, and climate change denial that dominated the 2016 presidential campaign. This event was recorded by Rounak Maiti.