Fr. Vazken's Sermons

Baccalaureate 2014 - Ascension at the Model for Life - 06.01.14



Baccalaureate 2014 - the Graduates receive a special message and blessing by Fr. Vazken. In his sermon, Fr. Vazken emphasizes the concept of "Ascension" as a necessary next step to Resurrection. Delivered on the Sunday after Ascension  Sermon delivered and recorded LIVE at the St. Peter Armenian Church Youth Ministries Center, Glendale on Sunday, June 1, 2014 -Announcements at StartArmenian Language Sermon begins at minute 3:10English Language at minute 11:30Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for Epostle.netWe invite you to explore, where you’ll find similar sermons, podcasts, Bible studies, and webcasts to inspire you spiritually.