Mile High Endurance Podcast

Skye Moench The Comeback



This week we have the 2019 Ironman European Championship Frankfurt – 1st and Ironman 70.3 Boulder – 1st.  She finished in 6th at Challenge Daytona a couple of months ago and 5th at Challenge Miami last month.  Pro triathlete Skye Moench has made an amazing comeback from her bike crash the kept her from racing at Kona back in 2019.  She's already qualified for Kona and we can't wait to see how the rest of her season goes in 2021.   Show Sponsor: VENGA Thanks very much to Venga CBD for helping make the show possible. Venga CBD is not like most CBD companies who just post a bunch of products and hope you figure it out. Venga was started in Colorado by athletes like you who wanted a better way to use CBD to help fight pain, train longer, race harder and recover faster. That’s why they created a SYSTEM of CBD products for athletes and only have 4 products that cover 100% of your CBD needs. I use it every day in one form or another! Each product is specifically made to support an area of your endurance life from tr