Black Mountain Institute Podcast

Black Mountain Institute (BMI) Podcast #34: "Books into Film: How Novels Become Movies" - 3/11/09



In this episode, novelist Russell Banks and writer, producer, and actress Guinevere Turner discuss the mechanisms that turn novels into movies. BMI Associate Director Richard Wiley moderates. Banks' novels include _The Reserve_, _Cloudsplitter_, _The Darling_, _The Relation of My Imprisonment_, _Continental Drift_, _Rule of the Bone_, _Affliction_, and _The Sweet Hereafter_. The latter two works were adapted into feature films that received widespread critical acclaim, and _The Darling_ is currently under development by Focus Features and Martin Scorsese. Banks is presently working on the screenplay for _Rule of the Bone_. Turner co-wrote the screenplay for Bret Easton Ellis' _American Psycho_ and co-wrote and co-produced the groundbreaking film _Go Fish_, in which she also starred. A writer and story editor for the first two seasons of _The L Word_, Turner also made several memorable guest appearances on the show as Alice Pieszecki's screenwriter ex-girlfriend, Gabby. In 2005, Turner wrote the script for _Bl