Motivating Mom With Lisa Druxman

Getting Over Decision Fatigue



What are you gonna wear today? What are you gonna have for breakfast? Or lunch? Or for a snack or for dinner? Should you check email now? Or maybe go on Facebook or Instagram? All of these seemingly unimportant decisions are why you feel burned out! Today I’m going to talk to you on a plan on how to end decision fatigue. This is The Empowered Mama Podcast. This episode is brought to you by FIT4MOM, where you can find The Strength In Motherhood at any stage of motherhood. We have classes such as FIT4BABY, Stroller Strides, Run Club and our newest program Strides360. When you come to FIT4MOM, I promise you will find moms like you. It’s not just the highlight reel. Come with your messy bun with spit up on you, come with your sleep deprivation. I really don’t care how you show up, I just want you to make it. Just join us! You will not find any other program where you can get fitness, community, and fun - all wrapped into one. Go to to find a class near you! Other Episodes About Will Power And Overwhel