Motivating Mom With Lisa Druxman

Getting All In On Life



Sometimes, it feels like we are just living on the surface of life. Superficial experiences and connections. Getting through each day on autopilot. Small talk with team members, friends, and family. Surfing the net and social media. I feel like we are missing something. I feel like we aren’t “all in” on this life thing. With my kids: How was your day? Fine. What did you do? Nothing. With Jason: How was work? Fine. Tell me about it. You know, the usual stuff. I know I’m showing up in life, which is half the battle. Woody Allen said 80% of success is just showing up. So I’m doing that. But sometimes I wonder if I’m just showing up. Am I really giving my all? This is The Empowered Mama Podcast. This episode is brought to you by FIT4MOM. FIT4MOM is the company I started 17 years ago because I needed a village, a place to belong. The fitness was icing on the cake. We are now fitness for every stage of motherhood and it’s the place where you will find the strength in motherhood. If you have not yet tried a class, w