Motivating Mom With Lisa Druxman

Joy From Fear: Making Fear Your Friend



If you find yourself running away from fear, you’re running in the wrong direction. Fear demands that we move toward it, face it and hear its messages. When we fail to do this, the price is chronic anxiety, sleeplessness, damaged relationships, skyrocketing pharmaceutical use, and more. In her enlightening new book Joy from Fear, my guest explains that fear is not the enemy we thought it was; fear, when faced with awareness, is the powerful ally and best friend we all need. This is The Empowered Mama Podcast. Dr. Carly Marie Manly’s Favorite Quote: “I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.” (Henley) If Dr. Carly Marie Manly was to get a tattoo with one word that she valued, what would it be?  Integrity Links For Dr. Carly Marie Manly Website: Twitter: Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram: YouTube