The Tatiana Moroz Show!

AMMA Co-founder Matt McKibbin & Soho Muse Co-founder Consuelo Vanderbilt Costin



Tatiana & Josh are joined first by Matt McKibbin who recounts his history with Tatiana as supporters of the Ron Paul campaign and how it eventually led to their interest in cryptocurrency, while Josh reflects on observing Paul’s campaign while living in his native Australia. Josh & Tatiana compare (but mostly contrast) Paul’s campaign with that of Bernie Sanders. Matt shares his interest in decentralization and explains how he brought crypto with his group to Burning Man, and his desire to help the expansion of blockchain businesses and technology, such as the decentralized internet app service ThreeFold. Matt talks about his interest in The Singularity and how data security & decentralization will be essential as mankind moves toward a cybernetically-enhanced future and thought-powered devices. Next, they discuss microdosing and the use of psychedelics as a way of “upgrading the human OS,” and why most CBD products aren’t high enough quality to be effective. Matt gives his predictions on how The