The Tatiana Moroz Show!

Elections, Lockdowns, Protests, and Liberty: Live from PorcFest with Ernest Hancock



Liberty activist and longtime friend of Tatiana’s, Ernest Hancock,  turns the tables in an interview of her that he recorded earlier this month at PorcFest. The pair discussed everything from why Tatiana wants to leave New Jersey and rent control to the real-life playing out of Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged.” Tatiana and Ernie discuss, in depth, her entry to the liberty activism scene around 2011, the changing philosophies of the liberty and crypto spaces, Trump’s impact on everything from political discourse, social media, the validity of mainstream media, and more. Tatiana dives into the impact COVID-19 and the quarantines have had on her personal life and on people around her and where her various business projects are heading. Ernie shares the inspiration for Freedom’s Phoenix and how his views and goals have changed over his career as a liberty activist. Liberty activist and longtime friend of Tatiana’s, Ernest Hancock,  turns the tables in an interview of her that he recorded earlier this month at PorcFes