Soul Sister's Universe By Maria C. Krause

What Life's Lessons really Teaches us, with Nicole Terrell, Trauma-Informed Manifestation Coach and Teacher



NEW COURSE! BECOME AN AUTHOR IN A MONTH Starts November 24th! Limited spots available. CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE! . . Hey Soul Sister, Welcome to another episode of UNCHAIN YOUR INNER STRENGTH podcast. A place to help entrepreneurs OWN their unique story, inspire, heal, and make a bigger impact. This week: All about the reason why Manifesting doesn't happen for some people . . Our mindset reacts very differently when we think about our mistakes as Life lessons instead. We start seeing them and understanding them from a very different perspective, with an open mind and open heart. Life is a journey filled with lessons. Every day we have the opportunity to learn something new about ourselves, about others, about the world. NICOLE TERRELL joins us this week to share the story that has helped her discover her passion as a Trauma-Informed Manifestation Coach. Nicole and I dive deep into what Manifesting requires and why sometimes works like magic and sometimes doesn’t. Nicole believes that manifestation is a hea