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DIY: Old-timey Apple thumb drive



If you're sick — SICK! — of all these new Apple fanatics and you want to show them all that you've been a diehard fan since the early days, even sticking by the company through Newton and Pippin, then this thumb drive made out of an old Apple keyboard is for you. Ingredients: an old Apple keyboard, a thumb drive you're willing to destroy, some workbench-y tools and whatnot, time. The basic process then involves gutting a regular thumb drive, carving out a notch for it to fit into inside an old Return key, and grabbing the Apple logo from another area of the keyboard. Sand, cut, glue, solder, slice, etc. and you'll eventually have yourself a nice retro USB thumb drive. Please observe the detailed directions at Instructables . My directions were NOT very helpful and may result in massive bleeding.