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Birdfeed Twitter App Review: Lean, Fast and Pretty [IPhone Apps]



It's five dollars. It has half the functionality of Twittelator Pro. But Birdfeed just became my default iPhone Twitter app. It's fast . The fastest Twitter app I've seen since Twitterfon (which isn't that fast anymore, once it started inserting ads. ) The user interface is even cleaner and more spare than Tweetie's—the app it will inevitably be compared to the most. For instance, the "load more" button at the bottom is gone—you just keep scrolling down, and it keeps loading new tweets. Gone, even, is the ubiquitous row of buttons that line the bottom of most Twitter apps for one-touch access to mentions, direct messages and other features. You have to slide back to a list-style menu to reach any feature besides the one you're currently looking at, meaning it's at least two taps to get from a timeline to mentions or vice versa. It solves this problem in part by making it so that you only have to do that when there's a reason to—a number pops up in the back button whenever you have new mentio