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Successful Marriage Proposal on Twitter Today: We #blamedrewscancer



Drew Olanoff, the Twitter user who started the #blamedrewscancer campaign after being diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma earlier this year, made a successful proposal of marriage to his girlfriend Sarah Cooley on Twitter today ( here's her "yes" ). We later confirmed the story with Drew over IM. Of course, he "blamed Drew's cancer" for the proposal, as the Tweets below attest. #blamedrewscancer is a Twitter movement that aims to raise money for charity by adding the hashtag to your Tweets, as the site explains :. Blame Drew's Cancer for anything you want by tweeting with the hashtag #BlameDrewsCancer and it'll come here. When Drew beats cancer we hope to have sponsors that will donate a dollar for every participant to our brand new partner, LIVESTRONG. Congratulations to Drew and Sarah on their engagement. See also: The 10 Most Extraordinary Twitter Updates , wherein we note three successful marriage proposals on Twitter. Reviews: Twitter . Tags: drew olanoff , twitter .