Dreadful Thoughts: A Penny Dreadful Podcast

Dreadful Thoughts Talks Victorian Royal Gossip



This off season episode is an homage to one of our favourite podcasts: The Dollop.  Listen as Steph tells Nika, Brad, and Ash all about the hot royal gossip of the 1800s.  We discuss assassinations, plaster hands, and the finer points of tying your royal dick down. Your hosts are Ashleigh Shadowbrook (@ShadowbrookAsh), Brad Brockway (@bsquared_yo), Nika Howard (@Nika_Howard) and Steph Kingston (@StephOKingston). @Dreadthoughts on Twitter www.dreadful-thoughts-podcast.tumblr.com www.facebook.com/DreadfulThoughts @dreadthoughtspod on Instagram dreadfulthoughtspodcast@gmail.com