Cliffs Notes

016 - The Potential Danger of Coaching At Capacity And How To Avoid It



In this episode I answer a series of questions from Candace who asked... What do I do if I am "At Capacity" for the number of clients that I want to work with?   Do I continue to do the Prosperous Coach Method? Do I tell them up front that I'm at capacity and that I have a waiting list?  What about the issue of them losing fervor for wanting to work with me before I have an open spot for them?" In my response to these questions I covered the topics The "Half-Life of Enthusiasm"  The danger of coaching "At Capacity" The fact that you are "At Capacity" is a symptom of an issue. That issue being that your potential clients see far more value in what you have to offer them than you do. (aka... You're Not Charging Enough!) I briefly mentioned The Art of The Proposal video by Rich Litvin The DOUBLE YOUR RATES article by Peter Shallard If you are enjoying this podcast, make sure that you check out my main podcast The Cliff Ravenscraft Show in your favorite podcast directory. If you are a po