Dads Talking Dads

33 - I Hate Everything You Just Said (Re-released and remastered)



First off, apologies again for Johnny's audio on this one. Audacity and the Macbook were not agreeing when we recorded on 420 (refer to my previous recommendation to get a Chromebook), so his/my audio drops off in certain areas, and at one point it starts having a crackling sound like I'm recording through a phonograph. It's not ideal, but it'll be fixed by next recording. This is an episode all mostly about starting pitching. We discuss some different trade options ranging from the obvious names to some crazy hypotheticals that turn Tony's stomach. Joel's iPad (seriously though...Chromebook) also dies at one point, so it turns into a 2 man pod. If you can stick through me sounding like I'm the movie portrayal of a WWII radio reporter, you'll be rewarded with our dulcet tones.   Fatherly Advice Johnny: Go to a minor league baseball game Tony: Gaspacho. Is this soup, what I am eating? Or is this salsa, what I am eating? Joel: A smart charger for your phone/tablet Don't forget to rate and review, subscribe, sma