Riders, Rangers, And Rambles

Riders, Rangers, & Rambles - Episode #10: Commander Takeru Has Saved Us!



In the tenth exciting episode of Riders, Rangers, & Rambles, we some how manage to take a slow news week and turn it into our normal length Podcast. I suppose the restart of MMPR and doing a Shinkenger special instead of Goseiger (which wasn't on this week) would do that. Thankfully, Thursday happened, and we already have a shit ton of news to discuss in Episode 11 next week! Join us as we discuss the latest GaiaMemory updates, the potential future of S.H.Figuarts Omegamon/Omnimon, and what is happening to poor Ganbaride now that OOO has hit the scene. We also discuss women with Bomb Memories, and some Saban stuff to. For our main attraction we feature "Come Back! Samurai Sentai Shinkenger!" as our main summary and discussion for the show, followed by our weekly dose of Double with Episode 42. Oh yeah, two episode of MMPR also. Let's forget those ever happened.