Riders, Rangers, And Rambles

Riders, Rangers, & Rambles - Episode #11: WAN MIRRION TROOOS!!!



The new ALWAYS hits after we record! In this exciting eleventh episode, we cover all the latest news that pretty much dumped on our faces all in one day and made us sad face. Join us as we cover the latest S.H.Figuarts exclusives, along with a batch of exclusive GaiaMemories! To follow, we discuss the latest news and rumors for Goseiger, Double, and OOO, as well as some Power Rangers new for 2010. Finally we summarize and discuss Episode 43 of Double and Episode 22 of Goseiger. One of them is epic. I'll give you a hint. It's not the one with EPIC as the title of each epiode. Oh, we discuss the latest duo of MMPRv2 Episodes too. Almost forgot about those again.