Riders, Rangers, And Rambles

RRR Season 7 - Episode 29: Angry Bards!



Man, I'm sorry for how late this one is. As many of you that follow my (Shuki) personal Twitter know this past weekend I was at the Fort Wayne, IN Pokemon Regional Championships. We played 9 rounds, which took place over a 13 hour period. The tournament didn't conclude until nearly 11 after I aquired my prizes, and aquiring dinner took even longer. When I got home Sunday...I literally just forgot to do it. No excuses, I just calmly sat here eating Cheesy Tots and watching TV until I realized I never edited the Podcast. So here we are, Monday night/Tuesday morning and ya'll are just now getting the episode. My bad. ---   Be sure to follow us on our twitter @TheRRRPodcast, and on our Facebook Page! Both accounts are home to various threads and posts where you can voice your opinions on the latest news and episodes with a chance to be read on the show, so come chat with us! --- Don't have iTunes or any other compatible music player? Here are some direct downloads!   To download the "enhanced" M4A version of the