Runaway Franchise

040: Home Alone 3 – The Runaway Franchise Podcast



Ed, Dom and Tom are stuck at home with the chicken pox! So, they decide to pop in the VHS player 1997's Home Alone 3! As you would think would happen 3 movies in, the Runaway boys were getting cranky and itchy which was not looking good for this latest installment…BUT! An arch of lightning blasted from their television set creating a portal for a Parrot driving a friggin' RC car delivering them Kenosha Itch Kicker cream and a Little Caesar's pizza party! Listen in for the audio equivalent of a Pizza Party! Or else… In the lobby: Southern California has been hit with historically large and devastating wild fires. So many people have or are in risk of losing their homes and they need help! We ask that you donate what you can to PS: The Runaway boys were horrified and confused about the implications of Scarlet Johansson's line "Alex slammed the toilet seat on his thing again!" that we want to know if this has ever or could ever happen in IRL? Obviously send us stories about your "thing" being