
87: Text adventures



Will Hines joins Jen to talk about text adventures, which are also known as interactive fiction. From formative classics like Zork, to the modern renaissance of the genre, there are countless amazing stories and fiendish puzzles to be experienced by anyone willing to invest the time to figure out the right commands to get past the first few screens. LISTEN PODCAST to hear about some great games, plus what it's like to create one! If you're enjoying PrePopCulture, please rate/review it on iTunes, and like it on Facebook! You can also follow PrePopCulture on Twitter. Want to suggest a topic for an episode? Email! Show notes: Follow Will on Twitter and see him do improv with Your F'ed Up Family at Upright Citizens Brigade in LA. Will's recommendation: Love and Rockets comics Will's text adventures Further and Harold Night 2003 Apollo 18 tribute text adventures Coloratura Digital: A Love Story Get Lamp Inform 7 Interactive Fiction Competition Phototopia Twine Zork Theme song Alps by Moto