Muay Thai Guy Podcast

MTG 053: Mental Training and Finding Your Flow with Gene Kobilansky



One of the most overlooked aspects of Muay Thai and combat sports in general is the mental side of it all. Trainers and coaches preach sayings like "it's 10% physical and 90% mental" but neglect to set aside any time to work on the mental aspect of their specific sport. In this episode, Gene from and I go over the importance of taking time to mentally prepare for not just competition, but for training as well and how to maximize your training. We discuss a number of topics ranging from:Why mental training should be something everyone trains, whether they compete or not.How Gene prepares his athletes for training and competition.What types of mental training exercises you can do to prepare yourself for training or for a fight.The importance of finding your ideal state of mind to get the most out of your training.How quality training with complete focus will benefit you 100x more than just going through the motions of training.How Gene's anxiety completely debilitated him from c