Muay Thai Guy Podcast

MTG 062: Reffing, Judging & The Over-saturation of the UFC with WKA Official Joel Bekker



Joel Bekker and I covered a whole shitload of topics during this podcast interview that I know you're going to love. With decades of experience in martial arts and being a ref in combat sports for 18 years, Joel is able to shine some light on a lot of what goes on behind-the-scenes with refs, judges and promoters. Not only that but we talk about a whole plethora of other things:Why he decided to become a combat sport ref, judge and official.The differences between good refs and bad refs and how there aren't many requirements to be an official in the US.How he deals with the constant criticism that all refs get during the context of a fight night.What he looks for in fighters who are dazed and how he decides whether to call a fight or let it continue.How many fight shows go on without doctors and without qualified referees.How being a judge is a non forgiving profession and how no matter what he does he'll end up pissing off 50% of the people involved.What he looks for when judging a fight and why he uses