Muay Thai Guy Podcast

MTG 078: Metabolic Conditioning, Nutrition Basics and More with Funk Roberts



Muay Thai Guy Podcast - Episode 78Funk Roberts is the man! Before I even began blogging, Funk Roberts has been releasing a variety of strength and conditioning workouts related to muay thai, MMA and other combat sports. If you were to check out his youtube channel, you'd find interval training, bodyweight circuits, kettle bell workouts, core conditioning and a ton of other types of workouts.When Funk and I set up this podcast I was super stoked to chat with him because I knew he would be a great person to interview. We covered a whole range of topics related to strength and conditioning and muay thai such as:How he originally was a professional beach volleyball player and made the transition to martial arts and MMA.What it was like for him traveling, training and fighting in Thailand (at the tender age of 40)His thoughts on Tiger Muay Thai and how it will always be one of the gyms he visits when he travels to Thailand.What gave him the idea to start his Youtube channel.What his f