Lebenswasser Audio

Dee Säajen von Weisheit



We live in this world with two different voices of wisdom calling us to follow. The voice of the world’s wisdom and the voice of God’s wisdom. As God’s children, we need to learn to recognize God’s wisdom, and to follow its voice in order to live successful lives in all areas of life. Much heartaches and trouble can be avoided if we learn to reject the wisdom of the world, and learn to recognize and follow the voice of God’s wisdom. In this series we want to learn God’s wisdom and as a result learn to make wise decisions that will lead us to godly success in our lives. Vivimos en este Mundo con dos diferentes voces de sabiduria llamandonos a seguilos. La voz de la sabiduria del mundo y la voz de la sabiduria de Dios. Como hijos de Dios debemos a aprender a reconocer la sabiduria de Dios, y seguir su voz para poder vivir una vida exitosa en todas las areas de nuestras vidas. Nos podemos evitar muchas angustias y problemas si aprendemos a rechazar la sabiduria del mundo, y aprender a reconocer y seguir la voz