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#72 - What Does Positive Masculinity Look Like?



Toxic masculinity doesn’t mean that that being a man is toxic, bad or even undesirable. At the same time non-toxic or positive masculinity doesn’t mean apologizing for being a man or trying to be as gender neutral as possible. While toxic masculinity refers to behaviors and beliefs about manhood and masculinity that are lauded as positive and to be emulated when, in reality, they’re painful, detrimental or destructive to the individual or society as a whole, positive masculinity expands what it means to be a man - physically, emotionally or even socially. But it’s while easy to talk about what positive masculinity isn’t, it sometimes can be hard to conceive of what it is. So let's examine just what positive forms of masculinity look like in the modern era. Show Highlights:  Why toxic masculinity isn't about apologizing for being a man How positive masculinity exists beyond Terry Crews and Captain America How Mr. Rogers' gentle, caring manhood influenced a generation Why sex is an important part of positive m