Paging Dr. Nerdlove

#81 - The Texting Mistakes That Cost Men Dates



How often has this happened to you: you've got a woman's number, but you never seem to be able to actually get a date. You may be doing great at first, but then you notice that it’s taking longer and longer for her to reply and those replies are getting shorter and shorter until you get... nothing. And now you're left wondering just what happened... and why it keeps happening to you. Texting may have been a godsend to shy, awkward guys who want to get dates, but you still have to know how to do it right. You may be used to talking with your thumbs like God intended, but that doesn’t mean that your texting game is all it should be. In fact, if you're regularly getting radio silence or have a hard time turning numbers into dates, then you're probably making one of these common texting mistakes. Show Highlights: How texting changed the dating game... and how it made things harder Why so many men get ghosted after they get her number The mistake men make when trying to build attraction over text How even the mos