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#93 - Flirting Mistakes That Women Hate



There's a lot of bad advice out there when it comes to flirting.  Advice that not only does it not work, but is actually a masterclass in how to creep women out and occasionally piss them off. Meeting women can be hard enough without making flirting mistakes that’re going to backfire, messily and all over the place. The last thing you want to do is ruin your chances with a woman by making the wrong move. Women want to like you and for you to like them too. So don't screw it up. Learn how to avoid these common flirting mistakes that men make and women HATE. Show Highlights: Why your attitude controls your dating success How flirting the wrong way just wastes your time The common mindset that drives women away How many guys ruin the attraction they've built with women Why status isn't the attraction switch guys think it is and so much more... Related Links: Five Signs Women Want You To Approach Them The Mistakes Men Make WHen Approaching Women Privilege, Entitlement and Dating  How To Not Being Creepy  The