Defender Radio: The Podcast For Wildlife Advocates And Animal Lovers

Coyote Portrayals in Media, Ten Years Later



Portrayal of interactions between humans and coyotes, content analysis of Canadian Print Media 1998-2010 isn’t the most enthralling of titles. But the study below it had a significant impact on my career and how I perceive and engage with media. The paper, which appeared in Cities and The Environment ten years ago, looked into how coyote interactions with people are discussed in the media; the findings floored me in when I first read the paper, and they remain a part of media sensationalism seminars I’ve given over the last decade. Rather than try to explain what this paper was about, I’ll skip ahead to the interview with coauthor of the study Dr. Shelley Alexander of the University of Calgary. But first, I wanted to let you know that Defender Radio and The Switch are going to have an awesome giveaway starting next week! To make sure you get the details, follow me on Instagram @howiemichael and sign up to receive email updates at or Links are in this week’s show notes – th