Gmb Fitness Show - Physical Autonomy

How Diets Work: Developing Your Awareness Around Food



One of the most frustrating things about diets is this: most of them work. They work for some people, sometimes, under some conditions, for some goals. So you can't dismiss the results of Diet A as a criterion for choosing to follow Diet B. If both of them work, which one is right?Which do you choose?In this episode, Andy talks with Josh Hillis about what principles underlie most diets that make them effective and how to figure out how to do the things that will actually work for you in your own life. Unsurprisingly, it turns out that a big part of the solution is self-awareness, and in fact many diets work by simply giving you rules that force you to be more aware of what you eat. Having coached thousands of people to eat better for their own goals, Josh breaks down some simple and flexible tips for developing that awareness for yourself. Episode transcript and additional notesSupport the show (