Gmb Fitness Show - Physical Autonomy

Don't Let Your Workout Make You Worse at Your Sport



One of the coolest things that's happened to us over the past ten years is that we've gotten toward with people doing activities and sports we never would have dreamed up. Our clients are into some really cool stuff!Rock climbing, surfing, martial arts, train running, slackline, pole dance, and every traditional sport too. And what all those clients have in common is that their main reason for doing fitness training is to get them better at the actives they enjoy or compete in. The biggest mistake we see happening is that the fitness side can begin to overshadow the application in their sport. What a lot of people don't understand is that there's really three broad categories of training when it comes to fitness for sports:General Physical Preparedness - your overall health and functionSpecific Physical Preparedness - the basic movements and abilities required for your activitySport Specific Preparedness - application to the specific context of performing in your sportAt different times in