Chatting Up A Storm - Claudia Cragg

As President Biden Prepares To Declare The Armenian Massacre A "Genocide"



is to declare the under the Ottoman Empire a "genocide", risking a potential fracture with Turkey but fulfilling a campaign pledge. This pledge was to, at long last, use the word to describe the horrendous mass killings after a series of his predecessors stopped short. Two sources have today, Thursday 22nd April, 2020, said that President Biden will make the declaration as part of an official statement this Saturday.   There are many people all over the world who have worked solidly towards this moment, towards this recognition of a historical horror.  One such is Lou Ureneck, formerly of The Philadelphia Inquirer, who we revisit here with our @KGNU interview. Ureneck was a prime mover behind the movie '', set against the background of World War I dealing with the program by  to exterminate the  This was a cinematic project dear to the late , perhaps best known for his Las Vegas hotel and casino connections and his ownership of MGM, but himself an Armenian for whom the massacre was not just some tale of hi