

Episode 62 - Reloaded the 2 dog story.The chief was sitting at the edge of the village, obviously deep in thought. He sat there for hours and hours, seemingly unmoving. The tribe was beginning to get worried and restless, but nobody wanted to disturb him. An elder eventually got up his courage and walked over. 'Chief,' he asked, 'what's going on? You look so troubled!' The chief just sat there, and the elder thought that he had not heard. Finally the chief spoke. And he said: 'You know, it's like there are two dogs fighting inside of me all the time - a dog of glowing light and beauty and a dog of fire. This dog is not glowing with the light but, life choking smoke and consuming fire. He is mean, irritable, and angry. It is driven by fear, and has me look at the world through the lens of shortage, struggle, and judgment. This is how I am when I'm feeling small, anxious, and spiritually disconnected.The dog Light is guided by love and kindness. This is the part of me that longs to live with purpose