Wwpn: How I'm Livin' With Chef Babette!

EP 006 WWPN: How I'm Livin' with Chef Babette! GUEST-Rachel Wood



Rachel Wood, a client of IFPA-certified fitness trainer and co-host Marci Kenon, lost 100+ pounds before they met. Rachel shares about the unhealthful manner in which she dropped an enormous amount of weight in a fairly short period of time. Rachel says she still suffers health consequences from that dark period. Rachel then transitioned from the Standard America Diet (SAD) to a vegan lifestyle after reading "Raw Food/Real World: 100 Recipes to Get the Glow" by Matthew Kenney, Sarma Melngailis and Jen Karetnick. Please tune into the story of this great overcomer and one of the most focused and determined people co-host Marci Kenon has met.