Wandering The Aisles W/ Andy Farnsworth

SN5:EP4 "Kronberg's List"



My collaborator in meandering today is @benkronberg. Co-proprietor of The Denver Comedy Lounge, Ben lives in his own county. And that county is not located on the surface of this planet. Kronberg county is INSIDE the planet. He lives in a small, underground museum deep within the Earth’s crust. There is an access tunnel to it covered by a place he refers to as quote “his girlfriend’s house.” If you Google Ben Kronberg, not only will you find his killer sets on Late Night with Seth Myers, John Oliver’s New York Standup Show, and Last Comic Standing, but you will also find a webpage for a scientist doing chemicals research, which, to be honest, is—I’m not sure if it’s today’s Ben Kronberg or not. The show begins with some loud banjo music, me picking Ben up, and a brief deliberation about how we’re gonna do this with masks on. We head off to a grocery store in downtown Denver, a tobacco place, and one of those “You don’t have to make me wear a mask rallies” at the Capitol building.