Build A Better Agency Podcast

Episode 18: Improving Productivity Through Accountability, with Adam Carroll.



Adam Carroll is quickly being recognized as one of the top financial educators in the country based on his core message of “you are the architect of your own life.” Adam has presented all over the globe. Over 500 universities have been lucky enough to host him and he has presented some amazing TedTalks all over the world. In 2014, Adam successfully crowdfunded a documentary on student loan debt titled Broke, Busted & Disgusted, and he raised nearly $70,000 for the film in 45 days. The mission of the film is to start a national debate about changing the way we fund college and not crippling 20 something’s with mountains of debt.   What you’ll learn about in this episode: Adam’s documentary “Broke, Busted, & Disgusted” Accountability and business owners: why you need accountability partners What agencies should be doing at the tail end of the year How Adam saves time for his family by using a Power Priority List What to look for (and look out for) in an accountability partner What different kinds of a