Famicom Dojo Video Game Podcast

154: The Price of Nintendo Switch Online



Nintendo's online service for the Switch was free for longer than they said it would be, but the paywall still took us a bit by surprise. Had Nintendo earned the money? Sean and Vinnk share their experiences so far with the paid version of the Nintendo Switch Online service, tease how to get the channel for Famicom games on US Switches, and somehow let the newest physical version of Night Trap onto our respective Piles of Shame..."One More Continue" and "RPG" theme songs by the Imari Tones: http://imaritones.net. Vinnk and SeanOrange pixel art by Louis Lloyd-Judson: https://louistrations.co.uk. This podcast is brought to you by the Little Podcast Network. Sponsor an episode, or listen to other great shows at http://LittlePodcast.com.