Fast Leader Show | Stories To Help You Move Onward And Upward...faster

327: Dan Gingiss - How to Create Remarkable Customer Experience Your Customers Can’t Wait to Share



Are you struggling to meet your revenue goals? Are you trying so hard to sell your products and services? Chances are, you’re pouring more time, money, and effort into sales and marketing. And although it’s not necessarily wrong, it doesn’t have to be that hard - there is an easier and better way.  Instead of focusing on acquiring new customers focus on retaining your current ones and delivering a remarkable customer experience. And your leadership is important in creating really wonderful customer experiences. As Dan says in the podcast, it's similar to a leaky bucket. If most of your customers leave the moment they buy your product or service, your sales and marketing have to do double the effort to replace the lost one and acquire a new one. In this episode, Dan Gingiss shares more about how you can create a remarkable customer experience for your customers that not only makes them stay, but also share your company with others.