Defender Radio: The Podcast For Wildlife Advocates And Animal Lovers

Tomm Moore: Storytelling, Environmentalism, and WolfWalkers



I have watched a LOT of content in the last year and a half. But little of it has hit me in the heart and mind as thoughtfully and powerfully as the Oscar-nominated animated feature WolfWalkers. I’ll rewind, briefly. Earlier this year, friends of mine Christopher and Cynthia of the Not About Lumberjacks podcast, suggested that I try connecting with a filmmaker they knew – Tomm Moore. He’s an environmentalist, has made these incredible films and is an all-around interesting fellow, they said – a great interview for Defender Radio. While connecting with Tomm and his team at Cartoon Saloon to arrange a chat, I immersed myself in his work, namely the trio of Irish folklore-based films he’d helped create. All the films are outstanding and I strongly recommend them, but WolfWalkers leapt off the screen for me. By the way – spoilers ahead! WolfWalkers is described by as the tale of a young apprentice hunter and her father journeying to Ireland to help wipe out the last wolf pack. But everything changes when